Tuesday, May 19, 2020

CoRoNa LoCkDoWn 2020

                               MY LOCK DOWN ADVENTURE

WOW!, I cant believe lock down is finally over. It honestly could be one of the most boring moments of my life. Like seriously 2 whole  months locked inside my house. This covid 19 outbreak was the worst thing ever. Anyway lock down wasn't as bad as i expected i mean watching Netflix all day and eating junk food seems boring but to be honest I didn't really mind it. I just really missed being outside and hanging out with my friends the most. 

My favorite show on Netflix is called prison break. I spent a lot of my time in lock down watching this series. In my bubble there is my dad , my 2 brothers and myself. In lock down not even going to lie 
I probably put on a few pounds lmao. I ate a lot of junk food .
I also enjoy watch a documentary / series on Netflix called the last dance. It is about basketball and Michael Jordan.

Anyway that was my lock down. What was yours like ?


  1. Wow! Nice work Araura. But what inspired you to write about this?
